1、开篇点题,简洁明了:“As the saying goes, ‘Every beginning is difficult.’ However, today I would like to share with you a story that proves otherwise, especially when it comes to [主题].”
2、提出问题,引发思考:“Have you ever wondered why [现象] has become increasingly prevalent in our society? This essay aims to explore the reasons behind this trend and propose some possible solutions.”
3、引用名言,增添文采:“Albert Einstein once remarked, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ In the context of [主题], this statement holds true as it encourages us to think beyond the obvious and discover new possibilities.”
1、对比论证,突出观点:“On one hand, [观点A] is supported by [论据A], which suggests that... On the other hand, [观点B] argues that [论据B], leading to a completely different conclusion.”
2、举例说明,增强说服力:“Take the case of [具体例子] for instance. Despite facing numerous obstacles, [人物/事件] managed to overcome them through [方法/品质], demonstrating that perseverance and determination can indeed make a difference.”
3、因果分析,逻辑严密:“The rise in [现象] can be attributed to several factors, including [因素1], [因素2], and [因素3]. These factors, when combined, create a perfect storm that fuels the growth of [现象].”
4、转折过渡,自然流畅:“While it may seem that [初步观点] is the only logical conclusion, a closer examination reveals that [新观点] offers a more nuanced perspective.”
1、总结全文,重申观点:“In conclusion, the discussion above has shown that [主题] is a multifaceted issue, influenced by various factors. However, the most crucial lesson we can learn is [核心观点], which should guide our actions in the future.”
2、呼吁行动,激发共鸣:“Therefore, it is imperative for us all to take immediate steps to address [问题]. By [具体行动], we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.”
3、引用名言,留下深刻印象:“As Winston Churchill famously stated, ‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.’ In the pursuit of [目标], let us remember this wisdom and never give up.”